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Nature Club Camping Trip

Nature Club Camping Trip

Have you ever camped out? What was it like?

1 Carlos's nature club went on a short camping trip. Carlos and Jake, his best friend in the club, were sharing a tent.
2 "Are you sure it was a good idea to bring Mosh?" Jake asked uneasily.
3 "Sure," Carlos answered. "Wasn't it good to have Mosh around when we put up our tent? Besides," he went on, "what could a robot hurt out here in the woods?"
4 "I guess you're right," Jake agreed. "Let's go to the pond till it's time for our five-mile hike."
5 Mosh and the boys went to the pond that was close to camp. The frogs were croaking loudly.
6 "I wonder what those frogs are saying to each other," Jake said.
7 Carlos replied, "They are probably complaining about the cold water."
8 "Mr. Jones is calling us. It must be time for our hike," Jake said.
9 "Stay here, Mosh. Hiking would be hard for you," Carlos said as he left.
10 Carlos was worn out when he got back to the tent after the hike. "I'm going to rest a while," he told Jake. Carlos stopped as soon as he looked inside the tent. "There must be a hundred frogs in here! Mosh!" Carlos screamed.
11 Jake asked, "Why would Mosh put frogs in there?"
12 Carlos thought for a minute before he remembered that he had said the frogs i were complaining about the cold water. "Mosh is probably trying to keep them warm." he said. "Come on, let's get them out of here."
13 Jake held back the door of the tent while Carlos crawled around and wave his hands at the frogs to shoo them ou toward the pond. "Did you finally get them all?" Jake asked.
14 "I think so," Carlos answered, lying down on his sleeping bag. Just then a frog hopped onto his stomach. Carlos was startled and jumped. "I know one thing about nature," he chuckled. "Frogs belong in ponds, not tents."


Write the words from the story that have fee meanings below.
1. all things not made by humans________________________( par.1)
2. not comfortably_______________________ ( par.2)
3. long walk _________________(par.4)
4. chase away____________________(par.13)

Write the words with the correct meaning to complete each sentence below.
5. Kathy lost a____________________ down by the pond, (shoo, shoe)
6. I ______________where to find deer, (know, no)
7. There are_____________________ pears on the ground, (four, for)
8. I have__________________ walk home after school, (too, to, two)
9. We will return in ______________________ hour, (won, one)
10. The children lost_______________________ balloons, (there, their)


1. Carlos thought the frogs were croaking loudly because ________________ _________________________________________________

2. Why wouldn't Carlos let Mosh go on the hike?_________________________

3. How else might the boys have gotten the frogs out of the tent? _________

Write the best word to complete each sentence below.
4. Roger was___________________________________
at the people on the ship, (waving, complaining, hiking)
5. The_________________________________________
hopped off the rock and into the water, (snake, tent, frog)


A dictionary entry shows the words divided into syllables. A space or a dot shows where the word can be divided at the end of a line of writing.
Read the words below. Next to each, write the number of syllables it has.
1. na ture ______
2. un eas y ______
3. wa ter ________
4. stom ach ________
5. min ute _____
6. grum ble _______

Категория: READING | Добавил: Englishforhelp (2006-04-09)
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